Reggae Marathon

I am back to running again. Up to half an hour now. I have bounced back much easier this time than with the first child. It feels wonderful to run again, even if I cannot go on those long runs when I would lose myself in thought and music. It feels good to move freely and connect with my body again. I’m aiming to do a five K soon and a ten K after that. And another marathon sometime.

Reading this review of the Reggae Marathon makes me nostalgic for those long runs and for how proud I was of finishing my first marathon. And to do it On such a mentally challenging course in a country I love.

4 thoughts on “Reggae Marathon

  1. Thanks for sharing this! I watched my mother run the 1/2 marathon one year and swore I would never be a runner haha. But these days I find myself wondering if I could really actually do it. It certainly is the happiest marathon.

  2. Take the 1/2 run for now and enjoy! Always make time for yourself; it is a gift to you!
    Knowing you and your sense of discipline that marathon will happen when it is meant to happen. Maybe even with baby in tow – 👟

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